The Difference Between 5G & 4G Networks.


4G is the name for the fourth generation of mobile wireless connectivity. Mobile wireless connectivity means how you access the Internet from your phone. 4G connectivity allows streaming high-definition videos, online gaming, and video calling. 

5G is the fifth generation of mobile wireless technology. Basically, it’s harder, better, faster, and stronger. It offers greater service, speed, reliability, and capacity.

5G networks have a higher bandwidth than 4G. Bandwidth is the term for how much data can be sent and received over an Internet connection in a given amount of time. When it comes to Internet connections, bandwidth is generally measured in megabits or gigabits per second. 

5G networks also have lower latency(the amount of time it takes for data to transfer from a sender to a receiver and back again) than 4G. The latency on a 5G network is as fast as 1 millisecond and latency on a 4G network is as high as 30 milliseconds.


Top 4G download speeds can range from 50 to 180Mbps but 5G download speeds sometimes peak out at 250Mbps. In the best conditions, it can reach 20Gbps. You can download a 2GB file in 1 second.


There is no scientific evidence to support any statements that 5G radio signals are harmful to our health

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