Hidden beautiful place in Chile.

The Marble Caves is located in the Carrera Lake of Chile Chico. It is formed by a massive marble peninsula, drilled by the lake, with caves at the level of the water which one enters by boat. You will be able to organize a navigation of half an hour. Sail among shining marble walls polished for the water is something truly unforgettable. The caves were formed as a result of the ocean waves constantly lapping against calcium carbonate

The Carrera Lake is fed by rivers coming from several glaciers of the Patagonian Andes.

The ice of glaciers contains small particles and, when the ice melts, many particles remain suspended in the water. This gives an unusual effect – the glacial meltwater is slightly turbid and it refracts the blue part of sunlight. 

Marble is slightly soluble in water. The marble dissolved faster at the water's surface. Small seeps through the cracks in the marble made these fractures wider and waves washed away the dissolved material.

data source(geologypage.com)

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