The world's youngest billionaire at nineteen years old.

Livia Voigt

Livia Voigt is one of the largest individual shareholders of WEG, the largest manufacturer of electrical motors in Latin America.
She is now the world's youngest billionaire at nineteen years old, taking the title from Essilor Luxottica's heir Clement Del Vecchio.
The company was co-founded by her grandfather Werner Ricardo Voigt and late billionaire Eggon Joao da Silva and Geraldo Werninghaus.
A publicly traded multinational with factories in over ten countries, WEG had revenues of approximately USD 6 billion in 2022.
Livia does not hold a board seat or any executive position at WEG; she is currently attending university.

Personal Stats


Source of Wealth=Industrial Machinery

Residence=Florianópolis, Brazil


Marital Status=Single

data source(


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