The world's oldest living man.


John Tinniswood

John Tinniswood, who now lives in a care home in Southport, puts his longevity down to a fish and chips on a Friday and having hiked regularly when he was young.

Mr. Tinniswood is 111 years old.

The previous title-holder, Juan Vicente Pérez Mora of Venezuela, died aged 114.

Mr Tinniswood was born on 26 August 1912.

He met his wife, Blodwen, during World War Two, and they married in 1942.


Wife died in 1986.

Their daughter, Susan, was born in 1943.

He worked for Royal Mail, for Shell, and for BP until he retired in 1972.

He said he did not have a special diet but continues to enjoy his favorite meal, fish and chips, every Friday.

Mr Tinniswood was presented with the Guinness World Records certificate on 4 April.

The evidence for the oldest man living was examined by Guinness World Records' Senior Consultant for Gerontology, Robert Young, and the Gerontology Research Group.

data source(BBC)

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