The Eastern Antarctic Plateau is the coldest place on Earth. Satellite data collected between 2004 and 2016 across Dome Argus and Dome Fuji, suggests that air temperatures could be around -94°C.
East Antarctica is the part of Antarctica that falls in the Eastern Hemisphere, east of the arbitrary line of 0° longitude on the South Africa-facing side down to the South Pole then 180° on the Australia-facing side. It's mostly a high, even plateau with an intensely cold dry climate and no wildlife.
As with the rest of the continent, this area is governed by the Antarctic Treaty, which seeks to protect the fragile environment and sets aside national claims. Thus, various nations own and operate bases here and have hypothetical claims to territory which they waive. References to nations on this page should be understood accordingly. The Treaty also forbids military use but there is no objection to military support to the civilian research effort: nothing could get done here without military-grade transport.
Food is served in bases and must be carried when away from those.
Surrounded by freshwater ice that is deep-deep-frozen. Bases can melt it but equipment to do so in bulk is heavy and needs fuel.